Setting a WordPress website is very easy; all you have to do is go to the main page and follow the instructions. You can customize it to look however you would like, and you can add pictures, links, and all sorts of other fun stuff. The great thing about a blog is that you can write about whatever you want. You can have a focused theme like “Ideas for Starting a [insert adjective] Revolution”, “Creative Exercises in [insert medium of expression]”, “Angry Rants on [insert topic]”, or even something like “Random Musings of a Bored Teenager.” For example, I am repurposing this site to share some things to do with you while I am far away from my beloved students.

If you need an idea of what to get started on writing, think of it as an online journal. The things you write do not even have to be true; you should just be clear in the description of your site that its purpose is only to practice writing. You do not even have to follow a specific format a post could be just the beginning or a part of a potentially longer piece. Here is a list of idea starters:

  • Who would I save in the Zombie Apocalypse?
  • Weird things I know
  • Fears I DO NOT have
  • Fears I used to have and faced
  • The world’s saddest joke
  • My dream business
  • Open letter to my parents’ generation
  • The worst (or best!) pick-up lines ever
  • My special talent
  • If I could go back in time two days, I would change…
  • I would die if anyone knew that…
  • Describe something banal like your old shoes or a piece of fruit, but try to make it sound interesting by being as descriptive as possible
  • Everyone whispered about [insert person], but no one had the courage to ask him…
  • Describe a scene that takes place in extreme heat
  • Describe a scene that takes place in extreme cold
  • The poorest you have ever been
  • The most interesting conversation you have ever had with a stranger
  • The embarrassing story your relatives always tell about you
  • Describe the face of someone you love
  • Imagine something goes terribly wrong at [school/the shop/while walking down the street]
  • My guilty pleasure
  • I always cry when…
  • My biggest regret is that…
  • Questions no one has ever asked me
  • Villains I will defeat and how I will defeat them